The Bowser Report has not changed its philosophy since Mr. Bowser passed away. There are a few things that we may do differently now, publishing on a computer versus a typewriter and making the newsletter available online, for example. But, the core of the publication is the same. And, just like Mr. Bowser, I pride myself on being honest with my subscribers.

That said, trying to expand readership is a tricky task. After introducing KonaRed (KRED) in the December newsletter, we agreed to endorse an investor relations campaign of the company. We conducted our due diligence, including speaking with KRED’s management. We determined the company very speculative, but liked the progress it was making. We did not accept payment for our endorsement. Nor do I hold any shares of the company.

UPDATE (03/21/14): Our stance on KRED has not changed. The company has expanded its brand, and most recently announced making its way onto over 2,000 Wal-Mart shelves. However, the company is very speculative. This apology is for our association with the promotional campaign, not the coverage of KonaRed.

Call it inexperience. Call it vulnerability. I didn’t know the extent of the campaign. It was intended to generate publicity for the newsletter. However, it ended up appearing as though we lost our way. We seemed to change our very being, straying from Mr. Bowser’s very principles, and for that, we apologize. In fact, we were just trying to expand our readership so that more would come to know and love penny stocks the same way we do.

The Bowser Report has a great reputation as an honest, trustworthy newsletter. I am here to tell you that our philosophy has not waivered. I  regret to say that I made a poor marketing decision that I will certainly not make again! I love this newsletter. I love what Mr. Bowser created. And, I love my faithful subscribers. I can’t be Mr. Bowser, but I can do everything possible to run the newsletter using his ideals, and that is what I have tried to do. I sincerely apologize for my error in judgement that caused me to stray from this intended path. I appreciate all of those subscribers who have stood by The Bowser Report! You truly are why we do what we do each and every day.

(Originally featured in the February 2014 newsletter. Updated for broader readership.)