Co-Editor Cindy Bowser introduces Thomas Rice, the current editor-in-chief

A little over two years ago my dad, R. Max Bowser, passed away. He is surely missed by those who knew him whether in person or through The Bowser Report. He left behind a big legacy, not the least of which was how to invest in minipriced stocks using the Bowser Game Plan.

He was also a great source of inspiration. One of those he inspired, and then mentored, was the newsletter’s current publisher and editor, Thomas Rice. Thomas came to us through Christopher Newport University, which is right down the road from the old Bowser Report World Headquarters in Newport News, VA. He graduated with a degree in English, which has become a true asset for the newsletter.

Of course, writing an investment newsletter also means you have to study the stock market and, in our particular case, small stocks. For this part of his education, he worked several years learning the investment ropes in general, and assisting Dad analyze which stocks to make a Company of the Month. Through this hands-on method, Thomas discovered that he loved the world of investing and The Bowser Report.

Since I am well into retirement age, it was a natural progression for Thomas to gradually take over the helm. And, he has been writing the newsletter single-handedly since January 2012, choosing the Companies of the Month as well.

How has he done? As I write this, the statistics speak for themselves. Including last month’s pick, he has made 25 selections. Of these, ten have doubled, and just three were recommended for sale. Only four have dropped 50% or more after recommendation (including the 3 that we said to sell). Seventeen of the 22 picks left are trading higher than their price at recommendation.

I think Dad would be mighty proud of his prodigy, and equally as proud of Thomas’ integrity. Dad, who was above reproach in that area, didn’t have to mentor Thomas on this one. Thomas is from a very loving and amazing family of six children with strong values. Having known and worked with him for over four years, I having nothing but respect for his work ethic and his respect for the Buckaroos and the goal of the newsletter--to give the best analysis of minipriced stocks.

Since taking over, Thomas has brought the newsletter into the 21st century through his online version, blog and social media additions. Still, it’s been a learning experience in trying some new ideas for the newsletter, and in trying to add to our subscriber base. Some efforts have worked better than others. Dad also went through those experiences, even up to the end. The newsletter is constantly evolving. One thing I notice both Thomas and Dad have in common is the ability and intelligence to be constantly thinking about ways to improve the newsletter and the Bowser Game Plan.

Please remember that writing a newsletter takes communication. Thomas can have all the determination in the world, coming up with ideas, but if they don’t work for you, our subscribers, and you don’t let him know, he can’t keep the newsletter viable and worthwhile. So, if you get the chance and have the inclination, please drop a line over the phone, online or through an email to make suggestions. Give a compliment, or just plain complain. Your comments help us advance and, hopefully, grow.